[BC] Pirate radio anyone?

Thomas G. Osenkowsky tosenkowsky at prodigy.net
Thu Jan 10 20:04:46 CST 2008

> LOL I had one of those.....  real fun when (not if) the go out of
> lock... cover most of the band.

Reminds me of a brilliant high school senior who
had a Heathkit DX-100. He installed a 1412 KHz
crystal (multiply for 40 meters) to broadcast in
the AM band. Worked very well. Problem: In
1972 all AM radios were tuneable. Where do I
find 1412? Solution: Modify the circuit so that
one of the tubes, maybe a 6AQ5, is converted
to a 10 KHz oscillator. Modulate the final screens
with the 10 KHz tone! Occupy all channels on
the band (except for the 2 KHz heterodynes).

The person in question fondly remembers telling
his friends to tune around 14 on the dial until a
clear signal is heard. He also recalls one student 
saying "I tuned around, heard a lot of sirens, then
your voice came on and all the other stations faded
away." :)

The alleged perpetrator is gainfully employed in
the broadcast industry obeying all FCC and other
regulatory Rules and Statutes.

Tom Osenkowsky, CPBE

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