[BC] Vista / Arbitron

Mark Earle mearle at mearle.com
Fri Jan 11 10:53:02 CST 2008

--- mwe ---
This is from Arbitron's website:

Don’t accept the statement “Microsoft doesn’t offer XP anymore”; 
Microsoft has committed to offer Windows XP through 12/31/2007.

Of course, it's now past 2007. Someone at this "sharp" company did not 
have a tickler to update the web site for date creep. <Sigh>

--- end mwe ---
--- ARB ---

What application versions will be supported?
All applications that become Windows Vista compatible will be compatible 
with the Windows Vista Business version.

What versions will not be supported in any applications?
At this point we do not plan to support:

     * Windows Vista Basic
     * Windows Vista Home Premium

--- End ARB ---
--- mwe ---
Then there is a chart at the bottom showing compatibilities.

This is representative - Arbitron says only one version of Vista will be 
supported, and not yet.

This is the trouble - not only do you have to make sure your key 
applications will work in "Vista", you need to be aware of "will it work 
in any, some, or all versions of Vista". What a mess.


       ) )
      ( (
       ) )    You will be assimilated... oooh, coffee!!
   ( |    |
    `|____|   mearle at mearle.com

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