[BC] Websites

RichardBJohnson at comcast.net RichardBJohnson at comcast.net
Fri Jan 11 10:57:13 CST 2008

I tried it on a Vista machine, on a Windows ME machine, with Firefox,
and a Linux machine with Firefox. Everything is fine. I looked into the
Firefox "Error Console" and saw no errors (which is unusual --most
web-pages have a few errors), so the problem is not the web-page.

But there is some SCAREY code requiring a current version of
Java. If your Java isn't current, and you are not using IE, this may
cause a hang!

<!-- Applet used to "preload" audio files (Explorer only) used during 
AD searching. Do not remove!-->
<applet code="cachepreload.class" CODEBASE=audio/ width=0 
height=0><param name=sound value="found.au"></applet>
<applet code="cachepreload.class" CODEBASE=audio/ width=0 
height=0><param name=sound value="notfound.au"></applet>

I suggest you pay the Sun site a visit to get the latest Java.

Richard B. Johnson

  -------------- Original message ----------------------
 > On Friday 11 January 2008 09:18 am, Baycountry Broadcast Equip. Inc. wrote:
 > Here is one maybe someone can help me with. Using a new Dell 5121 
with Vista
 > and a Firefox browser. I can't seem to bring up the Radio-Guide classifieds
 > website.
 > After clicking on it the page won't load and i have to shut down Firefox to
 > move on. Any thoughts?

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