[BC] Westinghouse 50HG transmitters

1radioguy4u at verizon.net 1radioguy4u at verizon.net
Fri Jan 11 15:44:26 CST 2008

>As I mentioned in an e-mail to Barry recently, the 
>last two 50HGs in western New York were at WHAM in 
>Rochester and WKBW (WWKB) in Buffalo. 

>KB's 50HG is gone from that building as well, and has >been for some time; there's a DX50 in part of the 
>space where that unit used to sit.

I was at WGR from 1975-1979 and the 50HG was removed when I was there in favor of an MW-50. They RCA BTA-10 was the standby.

The WGR/WKBW (WWKB) array was rebuilt at the same time to replace the open wire transmission line with something a little more modern.


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