[BC] RE: Westinghouse 50HG transmitters

RichardBJohnson at comcast.net RichardBJohnson at comcast.net
Fri Jan 11 21:40:09 CST 2008

You could also climb inside them during the experimental period and 
clean them up, making them look like new. Now we don't turn 
transmitters off until they catch fire.

Richard B. Johnson
Read about my book

  -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: nakayle at gmail.com
 > Well it's certainly sad to see these fine pieces of machinery disappearing
 > from the scene.  Yes, they took up a lot of space and used more juice, and
 > didn't have the audio punch of modern PDM transmitters, but they were built
 > like battleships and sure impressive to look at!  And they lasted a lot
 > longer then the flimsily constructed solid-state boxes of today will I bet.

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