[BC] IBUZ chipset costs (Old article)

WFIFeng at aol.com WFIFeng at aol.com
Sat Jan 12 07:29:24 CST 2008


Here's something very interesting that someone just sent to me:


It's an article from 2002. Is this all there is? Why has there been no recent 
*public* disclosure of what it costs to equip a radio with the decoder 
technology? Why the secrecy?

Almost humorous side-note: 
Back then, they were predicting a 30% market penetration with IBUZ radios by 
2010. I guess they must be getting desperate with this latest "ad" campaign, 
because they only have 2 years left to make up that remaining 29.95%! ;)

Rich... I trust the Bridge sales are still going briskly?


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