[BC] OT: Credit card processing

Craig Bowman craig1 at shianet.org
Sat Jan 12 14:47:48 CST 2008

The Michigan Association of Broadcasters has (or at least had) a good 
agreement with a credit card company.  They were setup for larger dollar 
amounts with better rates than you average account.  www.michmab.com

Craig Bowman

Kevin C. Kidd, CSRE/AMD wrote:
> I have begun to have several requests for Credit Card payment options
> for engineering bills.
> Anyone using a reliable online credit card processing service?
> I have checked my bank, Paypal and QuickBooks.  They have transaction
> limits ($2000) for most scenarios and to get around those "scenarios"
> requires myself to pay a pretty hefty monthly fee & transaction percentage.
> Anyone using a transaction fee based service that's reasonable?
> Thanks,

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