[BC] Another Tower Collapse?

Cowboy curt at spam-o-matic.net
Sat Jan 12 15:02:10 CST 2008

On Saturday 12 January 2008 03:41 pm, Ron Youvan wrote:
>  > should also take cover. The tower stood for about three or four minutes
>  > until it collapsed into a relatively small pile of scrap. It did not 
>  > lean or fall over; it simply collapsed. It was amazing!
>    That "peanut" should have never been removed from the end of that cable,
>  once removed from the load there would be no way to return the end of the
>  load line to the ground.  I'm glad I never met a crew that stupid.

 Agreed ! It takes almost nothing to know that a head-ache ball needs to be
 at a *minimum* the weight of the line up the tower one way, to bring it back down
 at all. Of course, once down it should only take a pound or two to hold it there,
 as long as it's not allowed to slip up even one foot, 'cause once it does,
 the scenario Richard describes becomes inevitable.
 The exception would be a permanently attached tag line used to winch the
 load line back down, as well as guide the load up.


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