[BC] uplink ERP - RF hazard?

Cowboy curt at spam-o-matic.net
Sat Jan 12 21:38:51 CST 2008

On Saturday 12 January 2008 10:29 pm, John Lyles wrote:

>  Is this level at 29.75 a hazard? I can check the IEEE/ANSI standard myself, 
>  but just wanted a general collective opinion. Since this is a home 
>  environment, I would have to set my own safety standards such as turning 
>  off the modem when working on the roof (it is flat and the dish is being 
>  placed there Thursday). I have VHF, television, amateur, UHF, yagis, you 
>  name it, already up there.      

 2.9 would be a greater hazard ! ( more penetration depth )

 This is NON-ionizing radiation. To those of us that know the difference,
 the worst you could likely get, is a mild sunburn.
 Of course, blindness and sterility just like any radar transmitting array
 if you stay there long enough directly in the boresight.

 I'd walk across it without a second thought, but I wouldn't stand there three
 feet in front of it for hours on end.


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