[BC] OT: Credit card processing

Bob Barnswatts amfan at collins21e.com
Sun Jan 13 10:48:03 CST 2008

2.19% for internet transactions is high plus a monthly fee of $8!Crazy.  I pay something like 1.8% and no fee   altho the rate should vary based upon the type of business you have.  I do my processing thru First National Omaha after shopping around they had the best rate for me.  Contact your local bank and ask them their rates as this is a very competitive market.  Anything over 2% and you may as well use paypal.com  

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On 1/13/2008 at 8:13 AM Kevin C. Kidd, CSRE/AMD wrote:

>This is exactly what I was looking for.
>Thanks a bunch.
>R A Meuser wrote:
>> Try Paynet systems.
>> I set up our camera club with them. We use their software for CC
>> processing.
>> http://www.paynetsystems.com/html/home_based_businessoption.html

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