[BC] uplink ERP - RF hazard?

Rich Wood richwood at pobox.com
Sun Jan 13 14:29:30 CST 2008

------ At 01:16 PM 1/13/2008, Paul B. Walker, Jr. wrote: -------

>Ok folks, I was being slightly sarcastic about the "good thing I 
>don't plan on having kids" comment. It was supposed to be a joke 
>that I'm sure sounded better when I thought of it but when I put it 
>"down on paper".. it.. well, sucked.
>I have a feeling Powell got it.

I have a feeling most of us got it but decided to take it as a 
refreshing thread to replace the ham on wry. Regardless of one's 
orientation there may come a time when kids become important to you. 
I have a few friends who have enlisted the help of female friends and 
now have beautiful children and great families.

Don't worry about a kilowatt. Just steer clear of climbing towers 
with UHF signals at the 5 Mw level and make sure you shut your radar 
gun off if you take a second job.


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