[BC] Re: Marti HRC-10A Replacement

engineermike engineermike at mindspring.com
Mon Jan 14 14:14:46 CST 2008

Hey folks,
  I located the problem equipment and may have just found out why it 
failed.  It was the receiver.  I was just looking at it on the bench and 
saw that the N connector was two colors.  The normal silver where the 
cable end screwed on and the rest is very discolored as if it has been 
really hot.  When I ran my finger across it the nut that holds it in 
place and grounds it spun free.  So I'm sure something in there has gone 
bad.  I haven't popped the cover yet but I'll see what I can find.  
Thanks for everyones ideas and help. 
Have a good day

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