[BC] RIAA and Copying

Tom Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Mon Jan 14 17:14:39 CST 2008

I SERIOUSLY doubt this will stand up - for one, music syndicator 
service(s) like Jone Radio Networks and Scott Studios (whatever name 
it's going by) would be put out of business - as would many, many radio 
stations.  Almost ALL of them have copied their music to hard drive for 
automation / live assist.  This has become reduxio ad absurdum... 

Sounds like it's time for radio stations to start auditioning house 
musicians and band leaders.....

Tom S.

N0JAA at aol.com wrote:
> This was in Friday's "Patriot Post," quoting part of an article in  the 
> Washington Post that appeared there Dec. 29... 
> --------------------
> "1. RIAA.  The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)  is fighting 
> a losing battle against new technology distribution of audio  recordings by 
> filing and winning lawsuits against people who "share" audio  files.  The logic 
> is that they retain property rights prohibiting  distribution of the music.  
> Last week, they upped the ante in a lawsuit  against a gentleman from Arizona, 
> claiming that ripping music from legally  purchased CDs and storing that music 
> on your personal computer is a violation of  their copyright agreement. 

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