[BC] CCrane FM Transmitter

Powell E. Way III W4OPW w4opw at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 15 14:46:51 CST 2008

--- Alan Kline <akline at netins.net> wrote:

> I've been thinking about buying one of the CCrane
> part 15 transmitters 
> that was mentioned in an earlier thread. CCrane
> states that the unit is 
> FCC certified, but I'll be darned if I can find it
> in the OET's 
> equipment database. There isn't a "CCrane", a "C.
> Crane", or a "C Crane" 
> in the database...
> Can anyone point me in the right direction?

No but I noticed the range is doubled when you use it
with the walwart....higher voltage. It covers my yard.
I clip leaded it to a turnstile FM inside and got half
a mile. Still I was the only one that would receive
it..... no one lives that close to me. 


POP email is powell at backroads  DOT     net

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