[BC] CCrane FM Transmitter

Alan Kline akline at netins.net
Tue Jan 15 15:03:22 CST 2008

Interesting...I've been wanting something that would cover the whole 
house and yard, and comes with a wall wart. At the moment, I'm using one 
of those little iPod-type transmitters. It's not bad, but it's a 
nuisance changing batteries every couple of days. I use rechargeables, 
so it's not a huge pain, but still...

Thanks for the comment, Powell. Now I just have to get the cap-ex 
request approved by my CEO... ;-)


Powell E. Way III W4OPW wrote:
> No but I noticed the range is doubled when you use it
> with the walwart....higher voltage. It covers my yard.
> I clip leaded it to a turnstile FM inside and got half
> a mile. Still I was the only one that would receive
> it..... no one lives that close to me. 

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