[BC] CCrane FM Transmitter

Alan Kline akline at netins.net
Tue Jan 15 18:14:28 CST 2008

Ronald J. Dot'o Sr. wrote:
> The owners manual says it's custom made by "Sangean" so try that.

Aha! That's the ticket! Thanks, Ron, and Art, for pointing that out. I 
suspected as much, but wasn't sure.

> It's a Model FT-007, FCC ID: BYG006 (Made in China).
> The data label says it complies w/ part 15
> If you take the back off towards the top just to the right of center 
> there's a small pot that trims the power back to legal limits if some 
> terrible nasty person turned it up to extend the range.:)

Now *who* would do *that*? That wouldn't be leeegal, would it??? :-)


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