[BC] Long wire antennas

neal Newman cozy659 at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 15 23:52:03 CST 2008

  Hello Peter

Actually the move of KYPA over to the 1580  site
  was to allow the station to stay on the air while The
wire antenna was to be rebuilt.
  It just happened that the Signal from the 1580 site
was not the greatest for the target audience. Once the
antenna was repaired  It went back to the wire.  If
you know the area where that wire antenna is located.
you can understand why it had to be restrung. I just
wonder what Gang is now claiming that roof as its own.
I have to Give credit to George Butch, and the tower
guy John H. for the Great job Of restringing It.


--- PeterH5322 <peterh5322 at rattlebrain.com> wrote:

 > If it was restrung, it was because 1230 went to co-owned 1580 (the
 > southeast of the six towers there) before there was any significant
 > testing of the 1230/1580 diplex, but that diplex wouldn't cover
 > Koreatown, so it was moved back, thereby requiring a
 > reinstallation of the inverted L.

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