[BC] Analog or Digi - that is the Q

Rick Heil wonynerd at gmail.com
Wed Jan 16 00:13:01 CST 2008

Analog doesn't "freeze" when the batteries die, leaving you to wonder if
there's more than a fresh set of AAs that are needed.

Even "black box" parts can be dissected and replaced if you have the time,
energy, tools, and wits.

You don't need someone younger than you to run the computers! <VBG>


On Jan 16, 2008 1:07 AM, <WFIFeng at aol.com> wrote:<snip>
> IMHO, the *single biggest* reason to use analog:
> You *never* have to reboot it! (It doesn't just "crash" or "lock-up".)
> More reasons:
> #2, "It just works". (Reliability is a Good Thing.)
> #3, "It sounds great!" (When done right.)
> #4, You can (usually) fix it with a soldering iron & simple parts.
> #5 No "digital grunge" or other audible artifacts. (No "duelling
> algorythms".)
> More...?
> Willie...
> <snip>

Rick Heil
Operations Manager
90.9, WONY Oneonta

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