[BC] Analog or Digi - that is the Q

Tom Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Wed Jan 16 10:09:05 CST 2008

No annoying delays when trying to monitor live audio off-air; the talent 
loves it when doing remotes.  (otherwise, you need to tie up an RPU 
channel or something with a non-delayed feed)

Maybe we could come up with a "Top Ten" list of why analog...

Tom S.

WFIFeng at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 01/14/2008 1:16:42 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
> coradat at blissnet.net writes:
> IMHO, the *single biggest* reason to use analog:
> You *never* have to reboot it! (It doesn't just "crash" or "lock-up".)
> More reasons:
> #2, "It just works". (Reliability is a Good Thing.)
> #3, "It sounds great!" (When done right.)
> #4, You can (usually) fix it with a soldering iron & simple parts.
> #5 No "digital grunge" or other audible artifacts. (No "duelling algorythms".)
> More...?
> Willie...

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