[BC] Diathermy

Alan Kline akline at netins.net
Wed Jan 16 10:43:06 CST 2008

Lots of interesting stuff on that site...here's one I liked; an article 
about the remote for the 1954 Academy Awards. Got a chuckle out of a 
comment asking how they could sync cameras without frame buffers! LOL...



Dana Puopolo wrote:
> What I chuckled about was the ad to get your FCC first class license.
> "Jobs are begging for licensed operators" WHERE???  LOL.
> -D
>  > From: Kevin Tekel <amstereoexp at yahoo.com>
>  > Subject: [BC] RF injuries
>  > Modern Mechanix article from 1957 about diathermy and its potential for
>  > harmful RFI:
>  >
>  >
> http://blog.modernmechanix.com/2007/11/22/what-you-should-know-about-diathermy/ 

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