[BC] Very Cool Radio Clip: WMMS 101FM

Stevan A. White w5saw at pathwayz.com
Thu Jan 17 13:05:11 CST 2008

I cringed, then laughed, when I saw that mic!  I used to use one just 
like it, in fact, it came home with me when the station that had them 
finally decided to throw them away.  It's an Electro-Voice 667A.  I 
despised the thing when I had to use it on-air because our owner pulled 
it out of somebody else's junk pile because he was TOO CHEAP to buy a 
new mic.  He never thought enough of his station to spend any money 
where it counted the most.  He's long gone and I just completed an IBOC 
upgrade on it for the present owner.  In spite of the fact that the 
blimp of a windscreen long ago disintegrated, the thin spiral cord has 
no spring left in it at all and the rubber bands that hold it on the 
shock mount are dried out and useless it still sounds OK.  I'm thinking 
about trying to restore it to whatever extent I can and use it with my 
vintage ham gear.  Funny how your perspective can change, isn't it?

Best Regards,
Stevan A. White, W5SAW
SW Commercial Electronics
928 South Crockett Street
Amarillo, Texas 79102
Phone 806-681-7228
w5saw at pathwayz.com

"The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our 
(Eric Hoffer, American Author)

padrino wrote:
> Glen,
> It was an old EV mic. Don't remember the model number. That was the wind
> screen for it.
> -Frank Foti
> Broadcasters' Mailing List <broadcast at radiolists.net> writes:
>> On Jan 17, 2008 8:59 AM, padrino <padrino at telos-systems.com> wrote:
>>> Group,
>>> >From a time, when radio was real!!
>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCESH9eXULg
>>> Enjoy,
>>> -Frank Foti
>>> (Former WMMS Chief Engineer)
>>> ------------
>> I don't recognize the mic.  Was he talking into the end of a 639A, or
>> what?
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