[BC] The telephone recording beep

Milton Holladay miltron at mindspring.com
Thu Jan 17 22:40:00 CST 2008

AFAIK, the beep was required by law for broadcast or recording 
calls.  IIRC, It went away sometime between 1969 and 1972

----- Original Message ----- From: "Donna Halper" <dlh at donnahalper.com>

>Perhaps one reason why announcers just paraphased the callers back 
>then because of that BEEP that you had to air when you were putting 
>a caller on... I remember hearing that beep ever few seconds when 
>calls were on the air when I was growing up in the 50s.  The 
>notification beep-- whatever it was called-- that let the caller 
>know he or she was being recorded-- am I recalling correctly?  I am 
>not sure when the FCC did away with it, but I do recall that 
>gradually stations stopped doing it... I never understood the purpose of it on

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