[BC] Very Cool Radio Clip: WMMS 101FM

Jeff Johnson jeff at rfproof.com
Fri Jan 18 15:32:56 CST 2008

Ah yes, I could smell the place watching the video. Old cardboard, dusty 
carpets, hot electronics and a nicotine glaze.

I'm all sure many of us remember the fragrance of a real radio studio. 
That, and being surrounded with music.

Jeff.Johnson at rfproof.com

>That clip was a GREAT reminder of how long I've been in this business... I
>miss the days when a jock had to actually WORK a little while on the air.
>I'm not one to pine for the past, but that was a fun time!
>James .JD. Davis
>Chief Engineer
>Results Radio, Chico-Yuba City

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