[BC] I should be here now

WBRadiolists at aol.com WBRadiolists at aol.com
Fri Jan 18 21:43:25 CST 2008

In a message dated 01/18/2008 10:40:46 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
mearle at mearle.com writes:

> Looks like you! Oh no! ;-)

LOL! Well, at least this one worked easily. I'm having a little bit of 
trouble getting the CRTECH list to change, though. I guess I'll just have to wait 
for Tom or James to manually set it for me.

In any case, I am glad to still be able to participate here... even if I have 
a somewhat changed identity! ;)

I assure you, tho, it's still me, the same ol' same ol'


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