[BC] Very Cool Radio Clip: WMMS 101FM

padrino padrino at telos-systems.com
Sat Jan 19 09:52:15 CST 2008

True story...

Summer 1985, Steve Church and I are still working for Malrite. I'm in NYC
and Steve's the chief at 'MMS. He asks me to come and help rebuild the
main Buzzard air studio in Cleveland. The first night of the project,
we're moving out all the old equipment, and decided to replace the ceiling
tiles, and clean the HVAC ducts. So, yours truly gets up on a ladder and
is vacuming out the air return to the HVAC system. You know where this is
going. From the residue alone, in that duct, the brain got REAL
foggy...REAL fast!! :)

I saw lots of images of Jefferson Airplane, thought Revolution #9 was
playing in the HVAC unit, all the while the Tommy album cover was coming
to life!! I came down from that cloud of 'whatever' and Steve's laughing
hysterically. Not sure if it was from how dirty I looked, how goofy I was
acting...probably both! (Although, some believe I've been goofy for soon
to be 52 years!!)

-Frank Foti

Broadcasters' Mailing List <broadcast at radiolists.net> writes:
>And more often that not, the smell would be the sweet smell of burning
>------ Original Message ------
>Received: Fri, 18 Jan 2008 10:01:41 PM EST
>From: "Steve Newman" <shnewman at alaweb.com>
>I have that smell memory of the stations from the late 50's and early 60's
>before they went solid state. Stations had their own unique smell. Then we
>went bland...in more ways than one. :)
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