[BC] Job Opening * Buffalo, NY

Dave Dunsmoor mrfixit at min.midco.net
Sat Jan 19 10:14:57 CST 2008

> My wife just got a great job in L.A. on Monday. It was 75 degrees
> here today. I've decided that the last place I want to move to is Buffalo,
> Dana

Yeah, but when it's that nice out, you can just get your coffee and walk out
onto the deck (or whatever you folks have there that serves the purpose)
and the day doesn't get any better.

It's something like -10 here this morning and it will get better! I did
(momentarily) consider a walk down to Starbucks (2 miles away), but when
I looked at the thermometer, I thought better of it.

Now, back to the broadcast portion, no permanent broadcast jobs open
here, even though there are 6 stations without an engineer on staff.
"issues" are being taken care of by a wandering contract guy from about 350
highway miles away.

Is that unique, or common (besides being quite odd)?

Dave Dunsmoor

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