[BC] SM-5B windscreens

Tom Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Sat Jan 19 15:28:08 CST 2008

Always a market for reasonably good - or even not-so-good mikes...

See eBay... I've been following several mikes; and the better ones - EV, 
Shure, and the venerable RCA ribbons seem to go for more than they cost 
originally - I just saw a rather beat-up looking 44B go for over 
$1100.00.  77DXs anywhere from $1k (no shock mount or stand adapter) to 
over $4k; Shure 55's similarly priced.  I've even seen that workhorse of 
mikes, the EV 635A "hammer" going in the $500 range (Why, I don't know - 
EV still makes the basic mike, with updated materials, IIRC)

(There's a story behind "hammer" - maybe some time I'll relate it...)

Tom S.

Glen Kippel wrote:
>   If we decide not to keep these
> mics, do you think there is any market for them?

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