[BC] Laptop Recommendation Needed...

Bill Sepmeier dcpowerandlight at gmail.com
Sat Jan 19 19:01:03 CST 2008

I've had great luck with Toshiba, since the first 80286 processor 
with blue and white screen model (40 meg HDD!) I had back in the 
80's, but prefer the last Sony VAIO I bought, which has also been 
error-free for a couple of years now.

Frankly, after dealing with VISTA on a new home pc since xmas, I'd be 
sure to get something with XP on it.  VISTA is trash, IMHO, compared 
to XP home or PRO.  If I had to, I'd go with a MAC to avoid it in a new laptop.

At 05:46 PM 1/19/2008, you wrote:
>A friend of mine who's a Senior Chief in the Navy - IT Chief aboard 
>the USS Kitty Hawk, AAMOF - recommends Toshiba.  I haven't gotten to 
>laptops, personally, though - but I'd trust the Chief, yes? No?  I'm 
>planning on Toshiba if I can find one. I can afford.............
>Tom S.
>Paul B. Walker, Jr. wrote:
>>A client of mine is looking for a somewhat small, lightweight laptop.
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