[BC] EV635A/664

Tom Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Sat Jan 19 19:13:59 CST 2008

Mine is from 1970....

And a bunch of klutzy college kids doing a remote for the college 
station during the Homecoming Parade (W A J C / Butler University).... 
four stories, complete with the Atlas desk stand (a 100' mike cable had 
been connected because the loop was on one end of the roof, and the 
vantage point was at the other end.)

" And now the... WHAM!-CLANK!............. Clunk, clunk, clunk, 
clunk...... Now the second float is going by, this one's from..."

chipped the paint on the top of the mike, dented the grill, and that was 
ALL!  Even the stand adapter clip survived; somehow.  Sold me on EV 
right out of the box (I was "running" the remote board; a custom-built 
box by Engineer John Krom, back when...  LONG before I knew about the 
legend of the 664.

The only 635A I've ever sent back to EV for repairs was one some yahoo 
plugged into the speaker jack.  I vowed never again to own any piece of 
equipment that used 1/4" jacks for input unless it was impossible to 
connect the input device to the output.  Interesting about that was; EV 
went ahead and repaired the mike at NO CHARGE!  Now THAT'S customer service!

Tom S.

Barry Mishkind wrote:
> At 02:28 PM 1/19/2008, Tom, wrote
>> (There's a story behind "hammer" - maybe some time I'll relate it...)
>         Radio Guide Magazine, November 2007

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