[BC] CCrane FM Transmitter

Alan Kline akline at netins.net
Sat Jan 19 19:23:46 CST 2008

As it turns out, I got off easy...I offered her 3 new CD's of her choice 
and she said OK...

The unit arrived today. Very disappointed with the out-of-the-box 
performance. Only a few feet of range, and not close to full-quieting. 
Then I did the "mod", and wow! what a difference! I ended up taking the 
back off--the rubber "feet" over the screws came off easily. It sure 
didn't seem like I turned that VR that much to get the improvement I 
did. It now covers the house with a pretty good signal.

Haven't tried to see what kind of range I get outside--think I'll wait 
until the wind chill is above zero for that... ;-)


Rich Wood wrote:
> ------ At 04:15 PM 1/15/2008, Ronald J. Dot'o Sr. wrote: -------
>>> Thanks for the comment, Powell. Now I just have to get the cap-ex 
>>> request approved by my CEO... ;-)
>> Buy your CEO some flowers and I'm sure she'll approve it ;)
> The flowers are more expensive than the transmitter.

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