[BC] Re: RDS numbers?

Cowboy curt at spam-o-matic.net
Sun Jan 20 09:28:15 CST 2008

On Sunday 20 January 2008 10:02 am, Rich Wood wrote:
>  ------ At 08:49 AM 1/20/2008, Cowboy wrote: -------
>  >  But, as an engineer, I know nothing of programming.
>  As a programmer this comment strikes fear in my heart. Virtually 
>  every manager, owner or engineer who has tried to influence 
>  programming has prefaced their comments or directives with this comment.

 The only influence *I* ever try to exert, is as an observation, or suggestion,
 to be taken or discarded as the responsible ( and presumably more knowledgeable )
 party sees fit.
 Personally, I think real sirens in drive time spots are a bad idea.
 Personally, I think scrolling displays are irresponsible, mostly because those same
 people who put on make up while texting whoever will stare at that display for
 minutes on end to grasp the ONE bit of info they want that might scroll by, in
 ernest hope of not missing that tid bit, paying no attention to traffic developments
 all around them.

 If that scares you, I'm sorry.


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