[BC] Staffing levels

RichardBJohnson at comcast.net RichardBJohnson at comcast.net
Sun Jan 20 19:23:22 CST 2008

Already have that. It's called Clear Channel.
Also, the RV isn't required because the engineer
only shows up every other year and can sleep
overnight in the rental car.</ducks>

Richard B. Johnson
Read about my book

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Barry Mishkind <barry at oldradio.com>
> At 09:44 AM 1/19/2008, Gary Glaenzer, wrote
> >stations without an engineer on staff. Equipment "issues" are being 
> >taken care of by a wandering contract guy from about 350 highway miles away.
>          One does wonder if the trend is going to be
>          centralized programming "hubs" ... with
>          just sales offices in the medium and small
>          markets - in the name of "efficiency."
>          It may be that the larger groups will start
>          a few engineers on a "circuit" of stations,
>          all fed from a central location.
>          Could be one of the new "requirements" for
>          getting hired is having your own RV
>          living quarters!  <g>

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