[BC] Staffing levels

Douglas Pritchett radiofool at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 05:21:07 CST 2008

It was a long time ago. I do recall driving the truck from tower to
tower to take the readings, and then back again after the change. Our
station was on an STA at the time (was at variance for 10 years) and
it was our staff that finally got it licensed. It's been 30 years ago.

Douglas B. Pritchett
radiofool at gmail.com

On Jan 20, 2008 6:55 PM, Gary Glaenzer <glaenzer at verizon.net> wrote:
> BEFORE and after pattern change ?
> my recollection is 'within 30 minutes of beginning operation at a
> given power / pattern'

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