[BC] Staffing levels

Gary Glaenzer gglaenzer at hqradio.com
Mon Jan 21 07:55:28 CST 2008

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <WBRadiolists at aol.com>
To: <broadcast at radiolists.net>
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2008 10:58 PM
Subject: Re: [BC] Staffing levels

> This is what mystifies me so... has revenue to Radio dropped *that* much
> since then? HOW did stations do it in those days? Full staffs like this aren't
> cheap, in *any* economy or Dollar value! So, HOW did they do it back then, and
> why can't they do it now?

no mystery

I hear it all the time about radio sales people:

Salesperson goes out and pitches ads on WXXX @ say 40 bucks a pop
Customer shows resistance
Salesperson then says 'If you buy ads for 40 bucks on WXXX, we will throw in ads on WQQQ,
WYYY and WZZZ for free'

BINGO !  rate per ad has just dropped to 10 bucks

and once one group of stations in a market does this, the others follow like sheep

so to answer your questions...

1) in the 'old days', advertisers paid the going rate or did without

2) they can't do it now because some sales reps are so afraid of losing a sale that they
cut everyone's throat, including their own

Just my $ 0.02, your mileage may vary..........


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