[BC] TV Weather

Cowboy curt at spam-o-matic.net
Mon Jan 21 08:04:14 CST 2008

 What is it with TV weather these days ?

 Locally, the weather girl took a leave for child birth.
 She had a VERY annoying habit in winter, or reporting
 the temperature as "<mumble mumble> but it FEELS
 LIKE 8000 degrees below zero !"

 The replacement was for several weeks, reporting the
 outside temp. as ambient.
 Recently, he's also started heavily emphasizing the
 "feels like" and downplaying the ambient to a one second
 mention, then immediately changing the map to the "feels
 like" temp.
 ( how the heck do they know what I "feel like" or what I plan
 on wearing today ? )

 As such, it seems TV weather is only good for potentially
 catastrophic weather events like tornado and severe storms.
 ( radio having been useless for some years now )

 Do viewers other than me, really want to hear/see the worst
 of the worst possibility that hasn't happened yet, or to
 know what is ?


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