[BC] TV Weather

DHultsman5 at aol.com DHultsman5 at aol.com
Mon Jan 21 08:29:32 CST 2008

In a message dated 1/21/2008 8:03:46 AM Central Standard Time,  
curt at spam-o-matic.net writes:

Do  viewers other than me, really want to hear/see the worst
of the worst  possibility that hasn't happened yet, or to
know what is  ?


Cowboy,  in the Old South,  the weather has turned into follow  the follower, 
 It should be know that in this market we have the weather  channel with 
local information including their "red line" warnings on  cable,  but we also have 
the NBC Weather with locals on a DTV-2,   another station has a "Wether 
Channel on DTV 2 well as a full time internet  video channel dedicated to weather, 
one of the other locals has a DTV-2 weather  radar 24 hours. All of the 
independents have the EAS Scroll, weather bugs and  warnings small box counties with 
watches and warnings.
But since one of the network stations goes full time weather "speculation  
and analysis of Super Doppler Radar patterns", it seems that all network  
programming is dropped for these 3 to 4 hour tornado warnings. Then its follow  the 
leader one goes they all go and see how long they can stay away from the  
As usual nothing happens.  
This past weekend,  You folks from up north would laugh at the snow  warnings 
and advisories we got for a trace,  less than one inch of snow  this past 
weekend.  Agreed Selma and Montgpmery got 4 inches  which  melted the next day 
instead of before sunset in Birminghams case.   TV  made heyday of all their 
remote trucks trying to make a news/weather event out  of the potential snow and 
ice storm disaster,  but after a while could  find nothing but little kids and 
animals outside trying to roll grassy snowballs  for a snowman and find a 
place with enough snow and slope to use a sled.   Turned into an expensive local 
human interest story with lots of family  interviews over the first snow in 
several years.
Keep on following the follower radio and TV and hopefully some of the  
youngsters of this world may go back to reading for entertainment.
old man ranting

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