[BC] TV Weather

Cowboy curt at spam-o-matic.net
Mon Jan 21 10:00:49 CST 2008

On Monday 21 January 2008 10:17 am, Gary Glaenzer wrote:

>  how about the clueless types that insist that wind-chill applies to inanimate objects:
>  'The overnight temperature will be 8 degrees, but wind chill will be 24 below tonight, so
>  your car may have problems starting tomorrow'   ????

 Obviously, these folks don't know that "wind chill" is merely a matter of perception,
 and ONLY applies to humans !

 Surprise ! The dog knows nothing of the wind chill as commonly reported !
 As Rich Wood mentioned, the wind chill reported ONLY applies to exposed
 skin, although the newer modified index applies this ONLY to the cheeks of
 a human, so a nekkid forcaster would be wrong as well !

 Now, rate of cooling of something that generates heat is an entirely different
 ( although related ) matter.
 Although you and the dog do have feelings, your radiator does not,
 even though all are brought to ambient more quickly by moving air, the dog much
 slower by virtue of having a furry insulating layer that neither humans nor radiators

 This is all why I'd just much prefer tell me what the temp is, and let me make up
 my own mind how to dress, or not.
 It's not that I mind them reporting the chill for stupid people, but I do wish they'd
 stop trying to hide ambient.


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