[BC] Now Now Tom

stanleybadams stanleybadams at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 21 19:15:31 CST 2008

You seem like a nice guy, and I would hate to change my opinion over some as
stupid as the 635a.  It was not good for PA application because of its omni
pattern, and it still made the speaker sound too thin.  EV 654 and 655 mics
were a quite a bit better and I used those for several years in a live
weekly five hour music program.  The old Western Electric 639 on a boom is
hard to beat for warmth.  But these are some of the older microphones.  Low
end response is better and does not sound as thin.  635 is great for two
things (1) picking a clear voice as in a news interview and (2) picking up
wind noise.

But that is just my humble opinion sir, now if you want to draw sabers at

Stanley Adams with $2.00 down here in Melmphus 

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