[BC] Now Now Tom

Tom Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 20:57:00 CST 2008

Stan -

When it comes to sword fights, I follow the "David Rule"...

As to the 635A being a less-than-stellar performer in a pure PA 
environment, I believe I DID mention fun to work with because it's a 
true omni... and as for wind noise... that's what windscreens are for!


Tom S. - and as for your $2.00..... ;-)

stanleybadams wrote:
> You seem like a nice guy, and I would hate to change my opinion over some as
> stupid as the 635a.  It was not good for PA application because of its omni
> pattern, 
>  635 is great for two
> things (1) picking a clear voice as in a news interview and (2) picking up
> wind noise.
> But that is just my humble opinion sir, now if you want to draw sabers at
> dawn.................
> Stanley Adams with $2.00 down here in Melmphus 

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