[BC] Staffing levels

Dana Puopolo dpuopolo at usa.net
Mon Jan 21 11:16:02 CST 2008

BOY, has Cowboy hit the nail on the head!! How can we expect THEM to respect
US (and our value) when WE don't respect EACH OTHER's?

I have used the U (union) word here and been chastized for it....let the
marketplace decide your value I've been told.

What Cowboy speaks of doesn't happen with plumbers. WHY? Because they have set
rates! They SET their rates together so they are fair, yet still allow the
plumbers to earn a decent living. When an engineer pulls what this one did to
Cowboy, he not only devalues himself, but the REST of us as well!

When one engineer undercuts another, ALL OF US SUFFER!!!!

What's even worse, frequently the one doing the undercutting has a full time
job and simply wants to make a few bucks on the side. They are using their
employers' tools and test equipment. They have no Insurance. Of course they
can undercut me. It's GRAVY money for them!!!

At least one here has complained that there are no decent contractors in his
major market to cover for vacations, etc. In his next breath he commented
about how every full time engineer there does a station or two "on the side".

HMMMM..I WONDER WHY there are no contractors in that market???? Perhaps
there's not enough business due to all that "on the side" work?

Next time remember this...YOUR GRAVY IS MY FAMILY'S BREAD AND BUTTER!!


------ Original Message ------
Received: Mon, 21 Jan 2008 10:05:18 AM EST
From: Cowboy <curt at spam-o-matic.net>

  There's a fairly well respected engineer in this market who beat me
  out of a project gig not too long ago, by quoting a rate LESS THAN HALF of
  what I'd quoted.

  Some of *US* who feel under paid or underemployed, and rant about
  bean counters need only look in the mirror !

  If you want to cut your own throat, fine, but PLEASE stop ruining
  the industry for the rest of us !

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