[BC] Staffing levels

Cowboy curt at spam-o-matic.net
Wed Jan 23 11:31:52 CST 2008

On Wednesday 23 January 2008 11:40 am, Rich Wood wrote:
>  ------ At 11:21 AM 1/23/2008, Dave Dybas wrote: -------
>  >When I took my car into Firestone for repairs, they were charging $85/hr for
>  >labor. I believe I'm worth at least that. However, when I quote that rate
>  >most station managers go into "haggle mode" and put up a fuss.
>  Look at it from their vantage point. I'm sure the guy who changes 
>  tires isn't getting that $85 an hour.

 I do, and have no trouble explaining that if they wish to assume the costs ( or risk )
 of insurance, tooling, sick days, medical insurance, tool replacement, billing
 and accounting costs, various punitive taxes leveled on the self employed,
 etc. etc. etc. that we can talk about a rate more commensurate with what's
 left after I pay all that, and more. ( government is by far the BIGGEST cost )

 Remember that I don't get what I bill, either !


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