[BC] Cost of operation

Bob Boxer bob.boxer at comcast.net
Wed Jan 23 14:23:26 CST 2008

$5k per month??? Assuming nothing changed from the way the system was
originally set up, you were getting one channel of a stereo pair at 128kbps.
That would be an obscenely high price for space segment only.  More likely
you were also paying for a number of items not broken out to you, such as:

     The automation system for your station that was installed at the
Network's Master Control
     Space and utilities at Master Control
     A portion of salaries for the Master Control Operators
     A portion of Scott's salary
     Backup ISDN lines and equipment

Bob Boxer
bob.boxer at comcast.net

  -----Original Message-----
 > From: Dana Puopolo
 > Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2008 10:38 PM

>The $5K a month came right off the top of the local stations' 
>engineering budget-leaving me about 500 dollars a month to care for 
>a 50 KW AM station.
>I bought a lot of bailing wire and rubber bands....

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