[BC] Car Radio Antennas

Tom Radiofreetom at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 18:24:03 CST 2008

I think the key ingredient in all the HooHaa is this:

"The old stick probably would have vanished by now — but for one nagging 
thing: It has provided better reception than its offspring."

Note the competing tech - GSM, GPS, etc. use MUCH higher frequencies, so 
a resonant antenna is much SMALLER. Then there's the old adage...

"Want more/better signal? put up more metal!"


frankgott at aol.com wrote:
> You may have seen this in your local paper or on your station's?website:
> http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5joJW4F4GzD3zCLGLLbJvYJfMqIFAD8UB8NQO0
> Yep, AM stations can disappear when you turn a corner in a car with a windshield antenna.

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