[BC] "Mixing Product" for all you smart engineers...

Ron Youvan ka4inm at tampabay.rr.com
Wed Jan 23 18:37:10 CST 2008

> Blame Windows... I used THEIR calculator....

> <GGGG>

   I used my LINUX calculator, it is called hp67.

> Ronald M. Youvan wrote:
>> Anyway; 1590 - 1230 = 410;   easily within the realm of the IF 
>> passband on many, especially older, radios.

>> 1590  WABV
>> 1230 _____ -
>> 360
>> ???
>>  But he heard 1450 WCRS on 1230
    Ron  KA4INM - Bread is up 20 cents, milk is up a dime, everything is up
                  the inflation here is killing us!

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