[BC] Nextel nationwide outage

engineermike engineermike at mindspring.com
Wed Jan 23 19:27:15 CST 2008

The links range from 2004 to yesterday.  I see nothing about a 
nationwide outage or employees causing it.

RichardBJohnson at comcast.net wrote:
>There are no reports on the 'net' that I know of. Instead my 
>information came from people who work for the TSA. --which may just 
>as reliable as anything else in the Bush Administration.
>Also, I can't find anything on the net which mentions an outage, 
>either, in spite of the initial report and "apology" which I asked 
>two TSA employees about. oops ... here are some reports:
>Google "Nextel outage" with the quotes, there are more. Check the
>dates because there have been many outages and many on the net are old.

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