[BC] Car Radio Antennas

Bob Young youngbob53 at msn.com
Thu Jan 24 08:28:44 CST 2008

Hey, this infringes upon my idea of 50 ft high retractable rooftop car stacked yagis for FM IBOC reception for when you just have to receive the station beyond the 10- 20 mile fringe IBOC area, another idea is unidirectional retractable rotating AM antennas for when you just have to listen to your hometown AM when it's next to an IBOC AMer at night,

Bob Young

> Just consider the possibilities of phased array
> receiving antennas and the multiplicity of
> stations that would allow. 
> Phil Alexander, CSRE, AMD
> Broadcast Engineering Services and Technology
> (A Div. of Advanced Parts Corporation)
> Phone 317-335-2065 FAX 317-335-9037

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