[BC] The mysterious iBiquity license fee revealed?

Chuck Adkins CAdkins at voicecorps.org
Fri Jan 25 05:55:31 CST 2008

Well, this whole Ibuz thing reminds me of a fixed prize fight! I went to 
Target Wednesday actually thinking of looking at an HD radio and guess 
what, I couldn't find one. When is this BIG THING going to happen? My 13 
year old grandson doesn't own a radio and could care less, he's too busy 
listening to his MP3 player. HELLO!!!!!!

Where are the radios and where are the people who know anything about 
them? Please don't give me this "well it took FM a while" crap because 
with the development with FM, AM was still usuable!!

In this market--Columbus Ohio--classical music got cut back in favor of 
NPR programing, while a 24 hour classical music format is offered 
on "hd2" Who in this market is going to make the treasure hunting 
expedition to 1 even find these radios and 2, pay over $100 for a descent 
radio to hear something that just got taken away from them? Really, when 
I asked about HD radio, the guy at Target kindly and thoughtfuly told me 
and my wife that the HD televissions were "back in the other part of the 

They keep saying stuff like, "wow, we didn't know it trashed AM!!!!" 

Well guess what boys and girls, it's not only just trashing AM, it's 
doing a job on the whole industry. I think the republicans will nominate 
Bill Clinton before my Grandson asks to trade in his MP3 player for and 
HD radio. I really think the proper name should be IBOCH 

-----Original Message-----
From: "Ronald J. Dot'o Sr." <ron.doto at comcast.net>
To: "Broadcasters' Mailing List" <broadcast at radiolists.net>
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 17:42:20 -0800
Subject: Re: [BC] The mysterious iBiquity license fee revealed?

> Yeah, don't be cynical....just say it's "for the children" and 
> everyone will flock to it!  It takes a village to sell IBUZ!
> Ron D
> > How can you be so cynical? This is all being done for the good of 
> > radio. Remember, there's an IBUZ revolution going on. Some historian 
> > will discover it a few centuries down the road..
> >
> > Rich
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