[BC] Vonage (etc) vs copper dial line

Dave Dunsmoor mrfixit at min.midco.net
Sat Jan 26 07:54:10 CST 2008

> I totally ignore the dial-up number.  It was my Fax number, and it is
> so SPAMMED it is useless.
> I just use the DSL and don't connect the POTS to anything.

How does Vonage and like services fare during emergencies? Power off
for extended times, or some other situation when all cell channels are
completely full by either emergency services or "civilians" trying to 
contact each other?

Immediately following the earchquake in Olympia, Wa, my son was
able to call us one time, but was not for a long time able to get
back onto the cellphone network. That's all he carried, cell phone.

TELCO still supplies DC from the CO to run phone sets, but most
people have electronic phones that quit when the AC drops. I keep
a couple "old" phones here for just this reason. 

Dave Dunsmoor

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