[BC] Vonage?

nakayle at gmail.com nakayle at gmail.com
Sat Jan 26 10:51:35 CST 2008

  Voip is even cheaper from several  smaller providers who don't spend a
bundle on TV ads.
I get mine from "Voip.com" for just $16.95/mo for everything Vonage has.
Works fine sharing my Comcrap modem with 3 computers and a Tivo.

 - Nat

On Jan 26, 2008 8:50 AM, Rich Wood <richwood at pobox.com> wrote:

> ------ At 10:45 PM 1/25/2008, Craig Bowman wrote: -------
> The cable companies are touting a "low" cost of $33 for VOIP if you
> buy their whole package of cable, Internet and phone. Vonage is
> $24.95 and offers International long distance to many countries.
> Rich

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