[BC] Vonage?

Andy Soule andysoule at gmail.com
Sat Jan 26 11:19:03 CST 2008

I think it varies a lot by location.  DSL was horrible at my 
home.  Vonage worked, mostly, unless anything else was using the 
connection, and QOS settings didn't help a whole lot.  Switched to 
Time-Warner Cable, and it has been fabulous.  Two vonage lines in use 
and kids watching youtube videos all at the same time is no problem.

In a message dated 1/25/2008 11:25:42 PM Pacific Standard Time,
<mailto:Broadcast at fetrow.org>Broadcast at fetrow.org writes:
I dropped my Comcrap 4 MB service for MUCH slower Verizon DSL.  The
VoIP service went from awful to amazing.  The voice quality is really
great.  It was awful on cable.

Jitter, and packet loss is a killer on VoIP.

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